L’Auberge Ludique (aka Zombie Qui Pue Con) began its 2nd last week-end (on Feb 24-25). The whole idea behind it is very simple, and representative of what most small conventions are like: gamers find there what they bring. In other words, it was a convention made for gamers who want to meet others and discover whatever games are represented. We arrived in Le Mesnil St Denis late on Friday, and discovered the two tables our friend Sébastien Voinot had prepared for us – they were just fantastic, so we decided to start our first game (it was little after midnight, so we had time to roll a few dice before getting some sleep). It was the occasion to playtest a 4 player scenario designed as a tribute to a short-story by Michel the Mystery Poster we read long ago on a French mailing list: Thy Zoubizou Consumed. ![]() At 10 in the morning, people began to arrive and we started to play again, inviting passers-by to give the WarEngine a try. ![]() Meanwhile, we began our round of (nearly) all the demos in company of Freddy Bagshot, courtesy of Hasslefree Miniatures. One of the main attractions was the Warhammer 40,000 tournament, which pitted 50 people. ![]() Two other large rooms were dedicated to demonstration games. ![]() At the end of the day, our demos proved quite successful, as many people dropped by to have a look at our figures, enquire about the game and often try it using the New Helder demo force Matthieu had painted for the occasion (apart from the officer, which was NBFGH’s job) – a demo force which could be purchased for 1€ thanks to various special offers. ![]() The only disturbance was when a Hound of Tindalos emerged from an angle of the table and had to be conjured back to the interdimensional hell he belonged to. ![]() After 7 demos and quite a few side games more, we had to leave to take our train – luckily, destiny put an attractive restaurant on our path, so we didn’t travel hungry. ![]()
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